
26件ヒット [1-26件を表示] (0.030秒)
トップページ > クエリ:nil[x] > クエリ:hash[x] > クエリ:default[x] > クエリ:xmlrpc[x]


  1. _builtin hash
  2. hash []
  3. matrix hash
  4. dbm to_hash
  5. _builtin to_hash


xmlrpc (38180.0)

XML-RPC を扱うためのライブラリです。

...ジは xmlrpc ライブラリのまとめのページであり、require 'xmlrpc' を実行しても

=== Author and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Michael Neumann

Released under the same term of license as Ruby.

=== Overview

is a...

=== Documentation

See http://www.ntecs.de/projects/xmlrpc4r. There is plenty of detail there to
use the client and implement a server.

=== Features of XMLRPC for Ruby

* Extensions
* Introspection
* multiCall
* optionally nil values and integers larger than 32 Bit

* Server...
...alling Ruby objects to Hashs and reconstruct them later from a Hash
* SandStorm component architecture Client interface

=== Choosing a different XML Parser or XML Writer

The examples above all use the default parser (which is now since 1.8
REXMLStreamParser) and a default XML writer. If you w...

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 (168.0)

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...l:label-TypeProf] is experimentally bundled. It is a
type analysis tool for Ruby programs.
* Deprecation warnings are no longer shown by default (since Ruby 2.7.2).
Turn them on with `-W:deprecated` (or with `-w` to show other warnings too).
* `$SAFE` and `$KCODE` are now n...
...s in a non-blocking context. 16786
* Dir
* Dir.glob and Dir.[] now sort the results by default, and accept the `sort:` keyword option. 8709
* ENV.except has been added, which returns a hash excluding the given keys and their values. 15822
* Windows: Read ENV names and values...
...IMENTAL: Hash#each consistently yields a 2-element array. 12706
* Now `{ a: 1 }.each(&->(k, v) { })` raises an ArgumentError due to lambda's arity check.
* When writing to STDOUT redirected to a closed pipe, no broken pipe error message will be shown now. 14413
* `TRUE`/`FALSE`/`NIL` consta...

ruby 1.8.4 feature (102.0)

ruby 1.8.4 feature ruby 1.8.4 での ruby 1.8.3 からの変更点です。

...re/set_trace_func [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/set_trace_func [change]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/printf [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Hash [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/test [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/File.identical? [new]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/FileTest.identical? [...
...z]+x[0-9]+$/ =~ "hogex111")
p(/^[\x61-\x7a]+x[0-9]+$/ =~ "hogex111")

# => ruby 1.8.3 (2005-09-21) [i686-linux]

# => ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-22) [i686-linux]

: シグナル [bug]

#Sun Oct 16 03:38:07 2005 Yukihiro M...
...command table and manipulate other IPs (for reason of security).
# Now, a IP object can be controlled by only its master IP or the
# default IP.
# * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: add restriction to manipulate.
# * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_is_slave_of_p): add TclTkIp#slave_o...

NEWS for Ruby 2.4.0 (60.0)

NEWS for Ruby 2.4.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

half には :even, :up, :down が指定可能です。 12548 12958 12953

* Hash
* Hash#compact, Hash#compact! を追加 11818
* Hash#transform_values Hash#transform_values! を追加 12512

* Integer
* Fixnum と Bignum は Integer に統合されまし...

true / false / nil を使用してください。

=== 標準添付ライブラリの互換性(機能追加とバグ修正を除く...
https://github.com/ruby/tk が新しいリポジトリです。

* 標準添付ライブラリから削除されてbundled Gem になりました 1216074239

* Zlib
* Zlib.gzip, Zlib.gunzip を...