
22件ヒット [1-22件を表示] (0.034秒)
トップページ > クエリ:asn1[x] > クエリ:Request[x]


  1. asn1 sequence
  2. asn1 set
  3. asn1 boolean
  4. asn1 null
  5. asn1 integer




OpenSSL::X509::Request (18046.0)

X.509 の証明書署名要求(Certificate Signing Request, CSR)を表わす クラスです。

...X.509 の証明書署名要求(Certificate Signing Request, CSR)を表わす

X.509 CSR については 2986 などを参照してください。

=== 例

CSR を生成する例。
require 'openssl'
# ファイルから秘密鍵を読み込む
rsa = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(F...
# 新しい CSR オブジェクトを生成
csr = OpenSSL::X509::Request.new
# DN を生成
name = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new
name.add_entry('C', 'JP')
name.add_entry('ST', 'Osaka')
name.add_entry('CN', 'Example Name')
csr.subject = name
# バージョンを 0...
exts = [ factory.create_ext("subjectAltName", "DNS:foo.example.com") ]
exts = OpenSSL::ASN1::Set([OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence(exts)])
csr.add_attribute(OpenSSL::X509::Attribute.new("extReq", asn1exts))
# 署名
csr.sign(rsa, "sha1")
# PEM 形式で標準出力に出力

NEWS for Ruby 2.0.0 (24.0)

NEWS for Ruby 2.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...exec flag is set by default for all new file descriptors.
This means file descriptors doesn't inherit to spawned process unless
explicitly requested such as system(..., fd=>fd).

* Kernel#respond_to? against a protected method now returns false
unless the second argument is true.

...now requested for all requests by
default. See Net::HTTP for details.
* SSL sessions are now reused across connections for a single instance.
This speeds up connection by using a previously negotiated session.
* Requests may be created from a URI which sets the request_u...
...ently raise an error when trying to encode nil values. All instances
of OpenSSL::ASN1::Primitive now raise TypeError when calling to_der on an
instance whose value is nil. All instances of OpenSSL::ASN1::Constructive
raise NoMethodError in the same case. Constructing such values is...