
1689件ヒット [1-100件を表示] (0.064秒)


  1. _builtin new
  2. _builtin inspect
  3. _builtin []
  4. _builtin to_s
  5. _builtin each






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Enumerator#each -> self (26267.0)

生成時のパラメータに従ってブロックを繰り返します。 *args を渡した場合は、生成時のパラメータ内引数末尾へ *args を追加した状態で繰り返します。 ブロック付きで呼び出された場合は、 生成時に指定したイテレータの戻り値をそのまま返します。


str = "Yet Another Ruby Hacker"

enum = Enumerator.new {|y| str.scan(/\w+/) {|w| y << w }}
enum.each {|word| p word } # => "Yet"
# "Another"
# "Ruby"...
...scan).each(/\w+/).to_a # => ["Hello", "world"]

obj = Object.new

def obj.each_arg(a, b=:b, *rest)
yield a
yield b
yield rest

enum = obj.to_enum :each_arg, :a, :x

enum.each.to_a # => [:a, :x, []]
enum.each.equal?(enum) # => true
enum.each { |e...
...lm| elm } # => :method_returned

enum.each(:y, :z).to_a # => [:a, :x, [:y, :z]]
enum.each(:y, :z).equal?(enum) # => false
enum.each(:y, :z) { |elm| elm } # => :method_returned

Hash#each {|key, value| ... } -> self (26262.0)


...の場合 self を、
無しで呼ばれた場合 Enumerator を返します。

_pair は each のエイリアスです。

{:a=>1, :b=>2}.each {|a| p a}
#=> [:a, 1]
# [:b, 2]

{:a=>1, :b=>2}.each {|k, v| p [k, v]}
#=> [:a, 1]
# [:b, 2]

p({:a=>1, :b=>2}.each_pair) # =...
...> #<Enumerator: {:a=>1, :b=>2}:each_pair>

@see Hash#each_key,Hash#each_value...

IO#each(limit, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (26238.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

...: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on..."
...ト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3: ne three,...
...t[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so on..."

IO#each(rs = $/, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (26238.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

...: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on..."
...ト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3: ne three,...
...t[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so on..."

IO#each(rs, limit, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (26238.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

...: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on..."
...ト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3: ne three,...
...t[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so on..."


ARGF.class#each(rs = $/) { |line| ... } -> self (26232.0)

ARGFの現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として与えら れたブロックを実行します。


@param limit 各行の最大の読み込みバイト数

例: ARGFの各ファイル名(最初に1回のみ)、行番号、内容を表示

ARGF.each_line do |line|
puts ARGF.filename if ARGF.lineno == 1
puts "#{ARGF.lineno}: #{line}"

@see IO#each, IO#each_line...

ARGF.class#each(rs = $/, limit) { |line| ... } -> self (26232.0)

ARGFの現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として与えら れたブロックを実行します。


@param limit 各行の最大の読み込みバイト数

例: ARGFの各ファイル名(最初に1回のみ)、行番号、内容を表示

ARGF.each_line do |line|
puts ARGF.filename if ARGF.lineno == 1
puts "#{ARGF.lineno}: #{line}"

@see IO#each, IO#each_line...

IO#each(limit) {|line| ... } -> self (26232.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

...: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on..."
...ト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3: ne three,...

IO#each(rs = $/) {|line| ... } -> self (26232.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

...: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on..."
...ト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3: ne three,...

IO#each(rs, limit) {|line| ... } -> self (26232.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

...: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on..."
...ト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3: ne three,...


Array#each {|item| .... } -> self (26229.0)



ブロックが与えられなかった場合は、自身と each から生成した
Enumerator オブジェクトを返します。

[1, 2, 3].each do |i|
puts i
#=> 1
# 2
# 3

@see Array#each_index, Array#reverse_each...

Range#each {|item| ... } -> self (26223.0)


...each は各要素の succ メソッドを使用してイテレーションするようになりました。

@raise TypeError succ メソッドを持たないクラスの範囲オブジェクトに対してこのメソッドを呼んだ場合に発生します。

...{|n| print n, ' ' }
# prints: 10 11 12 13 14 15

(2.5..5).each {|n| print n, ' ' }
# raises: TypeError: can't iterate from Float

Dir#each {|item| ... } -> self (26217.0)



@raise IOError 既に自身が close している場合に発生します。

p f
#=> "."
# ".."
# "bar"
# "foo"

@see Dir#each_child...
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