
808件ヒット [801-808件を表示] (0.085秒)
トップページ > クエリ:-[x] > クエリ:TEXT[x] > クエリ:new[x]


  1. _builtin -
  2. open-uri open
  3. irb/input-method new
  4. irb/input-method gets
  5. matrix -



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openssl (42.0)

OpenSSL(https://www.openssl.org/) を Ruby から扱うためのライブラリです。


key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(1024)
digest = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new()

issu = sub = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new()
sub.add_entry('C', 'JP')
sub.add_entry('ST', 'Shimane')
sub.add_entry('CN', 'Ruby Taro')

cer = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new()
cer.not_before = Time.at(0)...
...l = 1
cer.issuer = issu
cer.subject = sub

cer.sign(key, digest) # <= 署名するのに使う秘密鍵とハッシュ関数
print cer.to_text

===[a:references] 参考文献
* 5246
* Eric Rescorla. SSL and TLS : Designing and Building Secure Systems.
邦訳, Eric Rescorla 著 齋...
...スタリングTCP/IP SSL/TLS編
* John Viega, Matt Messier and Pravir Chandra. Network Security with OpenSSL:
Cryptography for Secure Communications.
邦訳, John Viega, Matt Messier and Pravir Chandra 著 齋藤孝道監訳.
OpenSSL -暗号・PKI・SSL/TLSライブラリの詳細-...
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