
427件ヒット [1-100件を表示] (0.092秒)


  1. socket int
  2. prime int_from_prime_division
  3. _builtin to_int
  4. mkmf convertible_int
  5. option int


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Socket::AncillaryData#type -> Integer (18224.0)

自身が保持している cmsg type (種類) を返します。

...自身が保持している cmsg type (種類) を返します。

require 'socket'

p Socket::AncillaryData.new(:INET6, :IPV6, :PKTINFO, "").type
#=> 2

@see Socket::AncillaryData.new...

WIN32OLE_TYPE#typekind -> Integer (9231.0)



@return 型の種類を示す数値を返します。
@raise WIN32OLERuntimeError 型の種類(TYPEKIND)を取得できない場合に通知します。

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library', 'Documents')
p tobj.typekin...
...d # => 4

@see WIN32OLE_TYPE#ole_type...

Kernel#convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) (6429.0)

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. _Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type. If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found, following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase. * 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP, where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t' suffix with 'T', followed by '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa. For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define macros: #define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long #define FOOBART2NUM ULONG2NUM #define NUM2FOOBART NUM2ULONG

...Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may
optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
_Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type.

If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found,
following macros are p...
...as preprocessor constants to the
compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase.

* 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X'
is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP,
where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t'
suffix wit...
...y '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to
convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa.

For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then
convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define

#define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long
#define FOOBART2NUM...

Kernel#convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) { ... } (6429.0)

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. _Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type. If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found, following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase. * 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP, where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t' suffix with 'T', followed by '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa. For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define macros: #define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long #define FOOBART2NUM ULONG2NUM #define NUM2FOOBART NUM2ULONG

...Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may
optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
_Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type.

If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found,
following macros are p...
...as preprocessor constants to the
compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase.

* 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X'
is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP,
where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t'
suffix wit...
...y '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to
convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa.

For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then
convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define

#define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long
#define FOOBART2NUM...

WIN32OLE_METHOD#return_vtype -> Integer (6207.0)



tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library', 'Application')
method = WIN32OLE_METHOD.new(tobj, 'Visible')
puts method.return_vtype # => 11

VARENUMの定義は、Platform SDKのwtypes.hにあります。...


Zlib::ZStream#data_type -> Integer (6202.0)

ストリームに入力されたデータの形式を推測します。 返り値は Zlib::BINARY, Zlib::ASCII, Zlib::UNKNOWN の いずれかです。

返り値は Zlib::BINARY, Zlib::ASCII, Zlib::UNKNOWN の

Addrinfo#socktype -> Integer (6201.0)



require 'socket'

Addrinfo.tcp("localhost", 80).socktype == Socket::SOCK_STREAM #=> true...

Fiddle::Closure#ctype -> Integer (6201.0)



WIN32OLE_VARIANT#vartype -> Integer (6201.0)



obj = WIN32OLE_VARIANT.new("string")
obj.vartype # => 8 (WIN32OLE::VARIANT::VT_BSTR)
bytes = WIN32OLE_VARIANT.new([1,2,3,4,5], VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
bytes.vartype # => 8209 (WIN32OLE::VARIANT::VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1)...

WIN32OLE_METHOD#event_interface -> String | nil (6107.0)



tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library', 'Workbook')
method = WIN32OLE_METHOD.new(tobj, 'SheetActivate')
puts method.event_interface # => WorkbookEvents...


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