
873件ヒット [201-300件を表示] (0.084秒)


  1. _builtin new
  2. _builtin inspect
  3. _builtin []
  4. _builtin to_s
  5. _builtin each






<< < 1 2 3 4 5 ... > >>

Array.new(size = 0, val = nil) -> Array (26114.0)

長さ size の配列を生成し、各要素を val で初期化して返します。

...@param size 配列の長さを数値で指定します。

@param val 配列の要素の値を指定します。

ary = Array.new(3, "foo")
p ary #=> ["foo", "foo", "foo"]
p ary #=> ["Foo", "Foo", "Foo"] (各要素は...

ObjectSpace.#each_object -> Enumerator (14158.0)

指定された klass と Object#kind_of? の関係にある全ての オブジェクトに対して繰り返します。引数が省略された時には全てのオブ ジェクトに対して繰り返します。 繰り返した数を返します。

...ist[例: ブロックなし][ruby]{
p ObjectSpace.each_object
# => #<Enumerator: ObjectSpace:each_object(false)>

//emlist[例: 全てのオブジェクトを扱う][ruby]{
ObjectSpace.each_object.take(5).each { |x| p x }
count = ObjectSpace.each_object { |x| x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => Total count: 9938

//emlist[例: 任意のクラスを扱う][ruby]{
Person = Struct.new(:name)
s1 = Person.new("tanaka")
s2 = Person.new("sato")

count = ObjectSpace.each_object(Person) { |x| p x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => #<struct Person name="sato">
# => #<struct P...

ObjectSpace.#each_object {|object| ...} -> Integer (14158.0)

指定された klass と Object#kind_of? の関係にある全ての オブジェクトに対して繰り返します。引数が省略された時には全てのオブ ジェクトに対して繰り返します。 繰り返した数を返します。

...ist[例: ブロックなし][ruby]{
p ObjectSpace.each_object
# => #<Enumerator: ObjectSpace:each_object(false)>

//emlist[例: 全てのオブジェクトを扱う][ruby]{
ObjectSpace.each_object.take(5).each { |x| p x }
count = ObjectSpace.each_object { |x| x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => Total count: 9938

//emlist[例: 任意のクラスを扱う][ruby]{
Person = Struct.new(:name)
s1 = Person.new("tanaka")
s2 = Person.new("sato")

count = ObjectSpace.each_object(Person) { |x| p x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => #<struct Person name="sato">
# => #<struct P...

ObjectSpace.#each_object(klass) -> Enumerator (14158.0)

指定された klass と Object#kind_of? の関係にある全ての オブジェクトに対して繰り返します。引数が省略された時には全てのオブ ジェクトに対して繰り返します。 繰り返した数を返します。

...ist[例: ブロックなし][ruby]{
p ObjectSpace.each_object
# => #<Enumerator: ObjectSpace:each_object(false)>

//emlist[例: 全てのオブジェクトを扱う][ruby]{
ObjectSpace.each_object.take(5).each { |x| p x }
count = ObjectSpace.each_object { |x| x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => Total count: 9938

//emlist[例: 任意のクラスを扱う][ruby]{
Person = Struct.new(:name)
s1 = Person.new("tanaka")
s2 = Person.new("sato")

count = ObjectSpace.each_object(Person) { |x| p x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => #<struct Person name="sato">
# => #<struct P...

ObjectSpace.#each_object(klass) {|object| ...} -> Integer (14158.0)

指定された klass と Object#kind_of? の関係にある全ての オブジェクトに対して繰り返します。引数が省略された時には全てのオブ ジェクトに対して繰り返します。 繰り返した数を返します。

...ist[例: ブロックなし][ruby]{
p ObjectSpace.each_object
# => #<Enumerator: ObjectSpace:each_object(false)>

//emlist[例: 全てのオブジェクトを扱う][ruby]{
ObjectSpace.each_object.take(5).each { |x| p x }
count = ObjectSpace.each_object { |x| x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => Total count: 9938

//emlist[例: 任意のクラスを扱う][ruby]{
Person = Struct.new(:name)
s1 = Person.new("tanaka")
s2 = Person.new("sato")

count = ObjectSpace.each_object(Person) { |x| p x }
puts "Total count: #{count}"

# => #<struct Person name="sato">
# => #<struct P...


IO#each_line(limit, chomp: false) -> Enumerator (14148.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so...

IO#each_line(limit, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (14148.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so...

IO#each_line(rs = $/, chomp: false) -> Enumerator (14148.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so...

IO#each_line(rs = $/, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (14148.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so...

IO#each_line(rs, limit, chomp: false) -> Enumerator (14148.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so...


IO#each_line(rs, limit, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (14148.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"
# "4: And so...

IO#each_line(limit) -> Enumerator (14136.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。

.../emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: And so on....
...りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is li"
# "3:...
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 ... > >>