
14件ヒット [1-14件を表示] (0.022秒)
トップページ > クエリ:Hash[x] > クエリ:CONFIG[x] > クエリ:new[x] > クエリ:xmlrpc[x]


  1. drb config
  2. mkmf enable_config
  3. mkmf with_config
  4. rbconfig config
  5. config value



xmlrpc (38210.0)

XML-RPC を扱うためのライブラリです。

...ジは xmlrpc ライブラリのまとめのページであり、require 'xmlrpc' を実行しても

=== Author and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by Michael Neumann

Released under the same term of license as Ruby.

=== Overview

is a...
...remote procedure.

require 'xmlrpc/client'
require 'pp'

server = XMLRPC::Client.new2("http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.php")
result = server.call("sample.sumAndDifference", 5, 3)
pp result

=== Documentation

See http://www.ntecs.de/projects/xmlrpc4r. There is plenty of detail...
...ossible to choose between XMLParser module (Expat wrapper) and REXML/NQXML (pure Ruby) parsers
* Marshalling Ruby objects to Hashs and reconstruct them later from a Hash
* SandStorm component architecture Client interface

=== Choosing a different XML Parser or XML Writer

The examples above...

ruby 1.8.4 feature (3276.0)

ruby 1.8.4 feature ruby 1.8.4 での ruby 1.8.3 からの変更点です。

...ruby]: ruby インタプリタの変更
# * [api]: 拡張ライブラリ API
# * [lib]: ライブラリ
* レベル
* [bug]: バグ修正
* [new]: 追加されたクラス/メソッドなど
* [compat]: 変更されたクラス/メソッドなど
* 互換性のある変更
* on...
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/printf [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Hash [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/test [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/File.identical? [new]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/FileTest.identical? [new]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/File.split [change]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4...
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Iconv>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/WEBrick::Config::FileHandler [compat]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/WEBrick>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/WEBrick::HTTPRequest#query_string= [new]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Readline [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Syck [bu...