
38件ヒット [1-38件を表示] (0.168秒)


  1. erb u
  2. util u
  3. matrix u
  4. _builtin koi8_u
  5. encoding koi8_u




Proc#curry -> Proc (12202.0)



...@param arity 引数の個数を指定します
@return カリー化したProcオブジェクトを返します

b = proc {|x, y, z| (x||0) + (y||0) + (z||0) }
p b.curry[1][2][3] #=> 6
p b.curry[1, 2][3, 4] #=> 6
p b.curry(5)[1][2][3][4][5] #=> 6
p b.curry(5)[...
...1, 2][3, 4][5] #=> 6
p b.curry(1)[1] #=> 1

b = proc {|x, y, z, *w| (x||0) + (y||0) + (z||0) + w.sum }
p b.curry[1][2][3] #=> 6
p b.curry[1, 2][3, 4] #=> 10
p b.curry(5)[1][2][3][4][5] #=> 15
p b.curry(5)[1, 2][3, 4][5] #=> 15
p b.curry(1)[1] #=> 1

b =...

Proc#curry(arity) -> Proc (12202.0)



...@param arity 引数の個数を指定します
@return カリー化したProcオブジェクトを返します

b = proc {|x, y, z| (x||0) + (y||0) + (z||0) }
p b.curry[1][2][3] #=> 6
p b.curry[1, 2][3, 4] #=> 6
p b.curry(5)[1][2][3][4][5] #=> 6
p b.curry(5)[...
...1, 2][3, 4][5] #=> 6
p b.curry(1)[1] #=> 1

b = proc {|x, y, z, *w| (x||0) + (y||0) + (z||0) + w.sum }
p b.curry[1][2][3] #=> 6
p b.curry[1, 2][3, 4] #=> 10
p b.curry(5)[1][2][3][4][5] #=> 15
p b.curry(5)[1, 2][3, 4][5] #=> 15
p b.curry(1)[1] #=> 1

b =...

Proc#ruby2_keywords -> proc (12202.0)

Marks the proc as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This should only be called on procs that accept an argument splat (`*args`) but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the proc such that if the proc is called with keyword arguments, the final hash argument is marked with a special flag such that if it is the final element of a normal argument splat to another method call, and that method call does not include explicit keywords or a keyword splat, the final element is interpreted as keywords. In other words, keywords will be passed through the proc to other methods.

...Marks the proc as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This
should only be called on procs that accept an argument splat (`*args`)
but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the proc such
that if the proc is called with keyword arguments, the final hash
argument is marked...
...g such that if it is the final
element of a normal argument splat to another method call, and that
method call does not include explicit keywords or a keyword splat, the
final element is interpreted as keywords. In other words, keywords will
be passed through the proc to other methods.

This should...
...be used for procs that delegate keywords to another
method, and only for backwards compatibility with Ruby versions before

This method will probably be removed at some point, as it exists only
for backwards compatibility. As it does not exist in Ruby versions
before 2.7, check that the proc re...

Proc#source_location -> [String, Integer] | nil (12202.0)


... ruby で定義されていない(つまりネイティブ
である)場合は nil を返します。

# /path/to/target.rb を実行
{}.source_location # => ["/path/to/target.rb", 1]
{}.source_location # => ["/path/to/target.rb", 2]
(eval "proc...
...{}").source_location # => ["(eval)", 1]
method(:p).to_proc.source_location # => nil

@see Method#source_location...