
201件ヒット [1-100件を表示] (0.127秒)


  1. etc sc_xopen_enh_i18n
  2. rsa n=
  3. rsa n
  4. openssl n
  5. openssl n=






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Module#using(module) -> self (24208.0)

引数で指定したモジュールで定義された拡張を現在のクラス、モジュールで有 効にします。



* https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html#label-Scope

@param module 有効にするモジュールを指定します。

@see Module#refine, main.using...

Kernel#check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) -> "signed" | "unsigned" | nil (15417.0)

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_OF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed. For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is done.

...Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally
specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.

If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a
preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in
uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_O...
...F_', followed by the +type+
ame, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is
unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed.

For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then
check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the
SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocesso...
...r macro would be passed to the
compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is

Kernel#check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) { ... } -> "signed" | "unsigned" | nil (15417.0)

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_OF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed. For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is done.

...Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally
specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.

If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a
preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in
uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_O...
...F_', followed by the +type+
ame, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is
unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed.

For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then
check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the
SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocesso...
...r macro would be passed to the
compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is

Module#refine(klass) { ... } -> Module (6125.0)

引数 klass で指定したクラスだけに対して、ブロックで指定した機能を提供で きるモジュールを定義します。定義した機能は Module#refine を使用せずに直 接 klass に対して変更を行う場合と異なり、限られた範囲のみ有効にできます。 そのため、既存の機能を局所的に修正したい場合などに用いる事ができます。

...た機能は Module#refine を使用せずに直
接 klass に対して変更を行う場合と異なり、限られた範囲のみ有効にできます。

refinements 機能の詳細につい...

* https://magazine.rubyist.net/articles/0041/0041-200Special-refinement.html
* https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html

定義した機能は main.using, Module#using を実行した場合のみ

...@return ブロックで指定した機能を持つ無名のモジュールを返します。

class C
def foo
puts "C#foo"

module M
refine C do
def foo
puts "C#foo in M"

x = C.new
x.foo # => "C#foo"


x = C.new
x.foo # =...

Kernel#convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) (6117.0)

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. _Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type. If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found, following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase. * 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP, where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t' suffix with 'T', followed by '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa. For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define macros: #define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long #define FOOBART2NUM ULONG2NUM #define NUM2FOOBART NUM2ULONG

...Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may
optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
_Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type.

If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found,
following macros are p...
...as preprocessor constants to the
compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase.

* 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X'
is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP,
where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t'
suffix wi...
...acro name to
convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa.

For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then
convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define

#define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long
#define NUM2...


Kernel#convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) { ... } (6117.0)

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. _Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type. If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found, following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase. * 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP, where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t' suffix with 'T', followed by '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa. For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define macros: #define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long #define FOOBART2NUM ULONG2NUM #define NUM2FOOBART NUM2ULONG

...Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may
optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
_Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type.

If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found,
following macros are p...
...as preprocessor constants to the
compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase.

* 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X'
is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP,
where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t'
suffix wi...
...acro name to
convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa.

For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then
convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define

#define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long
#define NUM2...

Net::HTTP#get(path, header = nil, dest = nil) -> Net::HTTPResponse (3207.0)

サーバ上の path にあるエンティティを取得し、 Net::HTTPResponse のインスタンスとして返します。

...サーバ上の path にあるエンティティを取得し、
et::HTTPResponse のインスタンスとして返します。

header が nil
でなければ、リクエストを送るときにその内容を HTTP ヘッダとして
送ります。 header は { 'Accept' = > '*/*', ... } という...
et::HTTPResponse オブジェクトは有効な body を

dest は時代遅れの引数です。利用しないでください。
dest を...
# net/http version 1.1
response, body = http.get( '/index.html' )

# net/http version 1.2
response = http.get('/index.html')

# compatible in both version
response , = http.get('/index.html')

# compatible, using block
File.open('save.txt', 'w') {|f|
http.get('/~foo/', nil) do...

Net::HTTP#get(path, header = nil, dest = nil) {|body_segment| .... } -> Net::HTTPResponse (3207.0)

サーバ上の path にあるエンティティを取得し、 Net::HTTPResponse のインスタンスとして返します。

...サーバ上の path にあるエンティティを取得し、
et::HTTPResponse のインスタンスとして返します。

header が nil
でなければ、リクエストを送るときにその内容を HTTP ヘッダとして
送ります。 header は { 'Accept' = > '*/*', ... } という...
et::HTTPResponse オブジェクトは有効な body を

dest は時代遅れの引数です。利用しないでください。
dest を...
# net/http version 1.1
response, body = http.get( '/index.html' )

# net/http version 1.2
response = http.get('/index.html')

# compatible in both version
response , = http.get('/index.html')

# compatible, using block
File.open('save.txt', 'w') {|f|
http.get('/~foo/', nil) do...

Net::HTTP#post(path, data, header = nil, dest = nil) -> Net::HTTPResponse (3207.0)

サーバ上の path にあるエンティティに対し文字列 data を POST で送ります。

...OST で送ります。

返り値は Net::HTTPResponse のインスタンスです。

ブロックに与えます。このとき戻り値の HTTPResponse オブジェクトは有効な bo...
...dy を

POST する場合にはヘッダに Content-Type: を指定する必要があります。
もし header に指定しなかったならば、 Content-Type として
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" を用います。

dest は時代遅れの引数です。利用しない...
# net/http version 1.1
response, body = http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby')

# version 1.2
response = http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby')

# using block
File.open('save.html', 'w') {|f|
http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=su...

Net::HTTP#post(path, data, header = nil, dest = nil) {|body_segment| .... } -> Net::HTTPResponse (3207.0)

サーバ上の path にあるエンティティに対し文字列 data を POST で送ります。

...OST で送ります。

返り値は Net::HTTPResponse のインスタンスです。

ブロックに与えます。このとき戻り値の HTTPResponse オブジェクトは有効な bo...
...dy を

POST する場合にはヘッダに Content-Type: を指定する必要があります。
もし header に指定しなかったならば、 Content-Type として
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" を用います。

dest は時代遅れの引数です。利用しない...
# net/http version 1.1
response, body = http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby')

# version 1.2
response = http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby')

# using block
File.open('save.html', 'w') {|f|
http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=su...


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