
3355件ヒット [1-100件を表示] (0.152秒)


  1. etc sc_xopen_enh_i18n
  2. rsa n
  3. rsa n=
  4. pop n_bytes
  5. openssl n



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Socket::AncillaryData#type -> Integer (21224.0)

自身が保持している cmsg type (種類) を返します。

...自身が保持している cmsg type (種類) を返します。

require 'socket'

p Socket::AncillaryData.new(:INET6, :IPV6, :PKTINFO, "").type
#=> 2

@see Socket::AncillaryData.new...

Net::FTP::MLSxEntry#type -> String|nil (21202.0)



"file", "dir", "cdir", "pdir" などを返します。

情報がない場合は nil を返しますが、通常は

RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node#type -> Symbol (21108.0)

self の種類を Symbol で返します。

...self の種類を Symbol で返します。

ode = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse('1 + 1')
p node.type # => :SCOPE

RSS::Maker::RSS20::Items::Item::Enclosure#type (21103.0)



RSS::Rss::Channel::Item::Enclosure#type (21103.0)




Gem::Dependency#type -> Symbol (21102.0)



OpenSSL::PKCS7#type -> Symbol (21102.0)

PKCS7 オブジェクトのタイプを Symbol オブジェクトで返します。

...PKCS7 オブジェクトのタイプを Symbol オブジェクトで返します。

* :signed
* :encrypted
* :enveloped
* :signedAndEnveloped
* :data...

WEBrick::HTTPRequest#content_type -> String | nil (18318.0)

リクエストの Content-Type ヘッダを文字列で返します。

...リクエストの Content-Type ヘッダを文字列で返します。...

Kernel#check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) -> "signed" | "unsigned" | nil (15631.0)

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_OF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed. For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is done.

...Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally
specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.

If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a
preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in
uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_O...
...F_', followed by the +type+
ame, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is
unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed.

For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then
check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the
SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocesso...
...r macro would be passed to the
compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is

Kernel#check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) { ... } -> "signed" | "unsigned" | nil (15631.0)

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_OF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed. For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is done.

...Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally
specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.

If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a
preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in
uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_O...
...F_', followed by the +type+
ame, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is
unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed.

For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then
check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the
SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocesso...
...r macro would be passed to the
compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is


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