
268件ヒット [1-100件を表示] (0.055秒)
トップページ > クエリ:new[x] > クエリ:each_line[x]


  1. _builtin each
  2. _builtin each_line
  3. prime each
  4. each
  5. tsort tsort_each





<< 1 2 3 > >>

NEWS for Ruby 2.6.0 (26090.0)

NEWS for Ruby 2.6.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...NEWS for Ruby 2.6.0

...作成するディスクリプタに FD_CLOEXEC フラグは設定されます。) 14907

* KeyError
* 新規オプション
* KeyError.new に :receiver と :key にオプションが追加されて
Ruby コードからも設定できるようになりました。 14313

* Met...
* BigDecimal.new はバージョン 2.0 で削除予定です。

* Pathname
* Pathname#read, Pathname#binread, Pathname#write,
Pathname#binwrite, Pathname#each_line, Pathname#readlines は
パスがパイプ文字 '|' で始ま...

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 (26066.0)

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0

...s: Read ENV names and values as UTF-8 encoded Strings 12650
* Encoding
* Added new encoding IBM720. 16233
* Changed default for Encoding.default_external to UTF-8 on Windows 16604
* Fiber
* Fiber.new(blocking: true/false) allows you to create non-blocking execution contexts. 16786...
...* String#delete_suffix
* String#downcase
* String#dump
* String#each_char
* String#each_grapheme_cluster
* String#each_line
* String#gsub
* String#ljust
* String#lstrip
* String#partition
* String#reverse
* String#rjust
* Stri...

NEWS for Ruby 2.0.0 (26060.0)

NEWS for Ruby 2.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...NEWS for Ruby 2.0.0


* Enumerator
* 追加: Enumerator#size サイズを遅延評価するためのメソッドです
* 拡張: Enumerator.new サイズの遅延評価のための引数を一つ受け取るようになりました
* 新規クラス: Enumerator::Lazy 遅延列挙用の...
...str.lines.with_index(1) {|line, lineno| ... } # str.lines が配列を返すのでもう動かない
str.each_line.with_index(1) {|line, lineno| ... } # このように each_line に置き換える

* IO#lines, IO#chars, IO#codepoints, IO#bytes, ARGF#lines, ARGF#chars,

NEWS for Ruby 2.4.0 (26042.0)

NEWS for Ruby 2.4.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...NEWS for Ruby 2.4.0

half には :even, :up, :down が指定可能です。 12548 12958 12953

* IO
* IO#gets, IO#readline, IO#each_line, IO#readlines, IO.foreach は
chomp というキーワード引数を受け付けるようになりました。12553

* Kernel
* Ker...
...String#casecmp? を追加 12786
* String#concat, String#prepend 複数の引数を受け付けるようになりました 12333
* String#each_line, String#lines 省略可能なキーワード引数 chomp を受け付けるようになりました 12553
* String#match? を追加 12898...

ruby 1.6 feature (23282.0)

ruby 1.6 feature ruby version 1.6 は安定版です。この版での変更はバグ修正がメイン になります。


: 2002-09-11: Queue#((<Queue/pop>))

Queue#pop に競合状態の問題がありました ((<ruby-dev:17223>))

: 2002-09-11: SizedQueue.new

引数に 0 以下を受けつけるバグが修正されました。

: 2002-09-05: ((<リテラル/式展開>))

stable snapshot で、一...
...フォルト値 (((<Hash/default>))) も == で等しい

p Hash.new("foo") == Hash.new("bar")

=> ruby 1.6.7 (2002-03-01) [i586-linux]
=> ruby 1.6.7 (2002-08-21) [i586-linux]
...-r~/a -e0
ruby 1.4.6 (2000-08-16) [i686-linux]

: ((<String>))#each_line


"foo\nbar\n".taint.each_line {|v| p v.tainted?}
=> ruby 1.6.4 (2001-06-04) [i586-linux]


IO#each_line(limit, chomp: false) -> Enumerator (15124.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...
..."4: .."
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"

IO#each_line(limit, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (15124.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...
..."4: .."
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"

IO#each_line(rs = $/, chomp: false) -> Enumerator (15124.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...
..."4: .."
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"

IO#each_line(rs = $/, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (15124.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...
..."4: .."
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"

IO#each_line(rs, limit, chomp: false) -> Enumerator (15124.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...
..."4: .."
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"


IO#each_line(rs, limit, chomp: false) {|line| ... } -> self (15124.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...
..."4: .."
//emlist[例: chomp = true][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(chomp: true) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one"
# "2: This is line two"
# "3: This is line three"

IO#each_line(limit) -> Enumerator (15118.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...

IO#each_line(limit) {|line| ... } -> self (15118.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...

IO#each_line(rs = $/) -> Enumerator (15118.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...

IO#each_line(rs = $/) {|line| ... } -> self (15118.0)

IO の現在位置から 1 行ずつ文字列として読み込み、それを引数として 与えられたブロックを実行します。


//emlist[例: 引数なし][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,\nThis is line two,\nThis is line three,\nAnd so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "1: This is line one,\n"
# "2: This is line two,\n"
# "3: This is line three,\n"
# "4: A...
...読み取りバイト数に 10 を指定][ruby]{
IO.write("testfile", "This is line one,This is line two,This is line three,And so on...")
f = File.new("testfile")
f.each(",", 10) { |line| p "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
# => "0: This is li"
# "1: ne one,"
# "1: This is li"
# "2: ne two,"
# "2: This is l...


<< 1 2 3 > >>