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トップページ > クエリ:i[x] > クエリ:-[x] > クエリ:of[x] > クラス:Module[x]


  1. _builtin to_i
  2. fiddle to_i
  3. matrix elements_to_i
  4. csv to_i
  5. ipaddr to_i




Module#ruby2_keywords(method_name, ...) -> nil (223.0)

For the given method names, marks the method as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This should only be called on methods that accept an argument splat (`*args`) but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the method such that if the method is called with keyword arguments, the final hash argument is marked with a special flag such that if it is the final element of a normal argument splat to another method call, and that method call does not include explicit keywords or a keyword splat, the final element is interpreted as keywords. In other words, keywords will be passed through the method to other methods.

...given method names, marks the method as passing keywords through
a normal argument splat. This should only be called on methods that
accept an argument splat (`*args`) but not explicit keywords or a
keyword splat. It marks the method such that if the method is called
with keyword arguments, the fi...
...al hash argument is marked with a special
flag such that if it is the final element of a normal argument splat to
another method call, and that method call does not include explicit
keywords or a keyword splat, the final element is interpreted as
keywords. In other words, keywords will be passed thr...

This should only be used for methods that delegate keywords to another
method, and only for backwards compatibility with Ruby versions before

This method will probably be removed at some point, as it exists only
for backwards compatibility. As it does not exist in Ruby versions

Module#autoload(const_name, feature) -> nil (219.0)

定数 const_name を最初に参照した時に feature を Kernel.#require するように設定します。

...定数 const_name を最初に参照した時に feature を Kernel.#require するように設定します。

const_name が autoload 設定されていて、まだ定義されてない(ロードされていない)ときは、
autoload する対象を置き換えます。
const_name が(autoload...
...@param const_name String または Symbol で指定します。
なお、const_name には、"::" 演算子を含めることはできません。
つまり、self の直下に定義された定数しか指定できません。

@param feature Kernel.#require と同様な方法で au...
# ------- /tmp/foo.rb ---------
class Foo
class Bar
# ----- end of /tmp/foo.rb ----

class Foo
autoload :Bar, '/tmp/foo'
p Foo::Bar #=> Foo::Bar

