
10件ヒット [1-10件を表示] (0.016秒)


  1. process fork
  2. process abort
  3. process setrlimit
  4. tracer display_process_id?
  5. tracer display_process_id


Shell::CommandProcessor#zero?(file) -> bool (21100.0)

FileTest モジュールにある同名のクラスメソッドと同じです.

...FileTest モジュールにある同名のクラスメソッドと同じです.

@param file ファイル名を表す文字列を指定します。

@see FileTest.#zero?...

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 (24.0)

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...osed pipe, no broken pipe error message will be shown now. 14413
* `TRUE`/`FALSE`/`NIL` constants are no longer defined.
* Integer#zero? overrides Numeric#zero? for optimization. 16961
* Enumerable#grep and Enumerable#grep_v when passed a Regexp and no block no longer modify Regexp.last_matc...
...s`, `#frozen?`
* `Integer`: `#-@`, `#~`, `#abs`, `#bit_length`, `#even?`, `#integer?`, `#magnitude`, `#odd?`, `#ord`, `#to_i`, `#to_int`, `#zero?`
* `Struct`: reader methods for 10th or later members
* Constant references are inlined.
* Always generate appropriate code for `=...
...n a receiver class.
* Reduce the number of PC accesses on branches and method returns.
* Optimize C method calls a little.
* Compilation process improvements
* It does not keep temporary files in /tmp anymore.
* Throttle GC and compaction of JIT-ed code.
* Avoid GC-ing JIT-ed c...