るりまサーチ (Ruby 3.1)

6件ヒット [1-6件を表示] (0.029秒)


  1. fiddle ruby_free
  2. rbconfig ruby
  3. fiddle build_ruby_platform
  4. rake ruby
  5. rubygems/defaults ruby_engine


Module#ruby2_keywords(method_name, ...) -> nil (117376.0)

For the given method names, marks the method as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This should only be called on methods that accept an argument splat (`*args`) but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the method such that if the method is called with keyword arguments, the final hash argument is marked with a special flag such that if it is the final element of a normal argument splat to another method call, and that method call does not include explicit keywords or a keyword splat, the final element is interpreted as keywords. In other words, keywords will be passed through the method to other methods.

For the given method names, marks the method as passing keywords through
a normal argument splat. This should only be called on methods that
accept an argument splat (`*args`) but not explicit keywords or a
keyword splat. It marks the method such that if the method is called
with keyword argument...

Proc#ruby2_keywords -> proc (54358.0)

Marks the proc as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This should only be called on procs that accept an argument splat (`*args`) but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the proc such that if the proc is called with keyword arguments, the final hash argument is marked with a special flag such that if it is the final element of a normal argument splat to another method call, and that method call does not include explicit keywords or a keyword splat, the final element is interpreted as keywords. In other words, keywords will be passed through the proc to other methods.

Marks the proc as passing keywords through a normal argument splat. This
should only be called on procs that accept an argument splat (`*args`)
but not explicit keywords or a keyword splat. It marks the proc such
that if the proc is called with keyword arguments, the final hash
argument is marked ...

Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(hash) -> bool (18586.0)

Module#ruby2_keywordsやProc#ruby2_keywordsによる ruby2_keywords フラグが設定されているかどうかを返します。

ruby2_keywords フラグが設定されているかどうかを返します。


ruby 2.7.1 で追加されたため、ruby 2.7.0 では定義されていません。

ruby2_keywords def foo(*args)

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 (325.0)

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

* Update to Bundler 2.2.3
* Update to 0.2.0
* This version is Ractor compatible.
* Update to CSV 3.1.9
* Date
* Update to Date 3.1.1
* This version is Ractor compatible.
* Digest
* Update to Digest 3.0.0
* This version is Ractor compatible.
* E...

NEWS for Ruby 2.7.0 (199.0)

NEWS for Ruby 2.7.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。


* 3.1.2に更新されました。

* Date
* Date.jisx0301, Date#jisx0301, Date.parseが新...

* RubyGems
* RubyGems 3.1.2に更新されました。
* https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/releases/tag/v3.1.0
* https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/releases/tag/v3.1.1
* https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/releases/tag/v3.1.2

* StringScanner
* 1.0.3に...


NEWS for Ruby 3.1.0 (163.0)

NEWS for Ruby 3.1.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...NEWS for Ruby 3.1.0

foo[0] = bar

* 次の評価順序になります。

1. `foo`
2. `bar`
3. `[]=` called on the result of `foo`

* Ruby 3.1.0より前は、多重代入の評価順序が上記のようではありませんでした。このコードでは、

foo[0], b...
1. `a`
2. `b`
3. `foo`
4. `[]=` called on the result of `foo`
5. `bar`
6. `baz=` called on the result of `bar`

* Ruby 3.1.0から単一代入と評価順序が一致するようになり、左が右より先に評価されます。

1. `foo`
2. `bar`