
15件ヒット [1-15件を表示] (0.033秒)
トップページ > クエリ:name[x] > クエリ:zero?[x]


  1. _builtin name
  2. resolv each_name
  3. openssl name
  4. win32ole name
  5. net/imap name




Pathname#zero? -> bool (21101.0)

FileTest.zero?(self.to_s) と同じです。

...FileTest.zero?(self.to_s) と同じです。

@see FileTest.#zero?...
...FileTest.zero?(self.to_s) と同じです。

@see FileTest.#zero?
, Pathname#empty?...

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 (30.0)

NEWS for Ruby 3.0.0 このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。

...ption. 8709
* ENV.except has been added, which returns a hash excluding the given keys and their values. 15822
* Windows: Read ENV names and values as UTF-8 encoded Strings 12650
* Encoding
* Added new encoding IBM720. 16233
* Changed default for Encoding.default_externa...
..." and "public" methods now accept single array argument with a list of method names. 17314
* Module#attr_accessor, Module#attr_reader, Module#attr_writer and Module#attr methods now return an array of defined method names as symbols. 17314
* Module#alias_method now returns the defined alias...
...osed pipe, no broken pipe error message will be shown now. 14413
* `TRUE`/`FALSE`/`NIL` constants are no longer defined.
* Integer#zero? overrides Numeric#zero? for optimization. 16961
* Enumerable#grep and Enumerable#grep_v when passed a Regexp and no block no longer modify Regexp.last_matc...