るりまサーチ (Ruby 2.7.0)

10件ヒット [1-10件を表示] (0.046秒)
トップページ > クエリ:name[x] > クエリ:search[x] > バージョン:2.7.0[x]


  1. _builtin name
  2. resolv each_name
  3. openssl name
  4. win32ole name
  5. net/imap name


rss (343.0)

RSS を扱うためのライブラリです。

RSS を扱うためのライブラリです。

=== 参考

* RSS 0.91 http://backend.userland.com/rss091
* RSS 1.0 http://purl.org/rss/1.0/spec
* RSS 2.0 http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification
* Atom 1.0 https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287.txt

=== 注意

RSS ParserはRSS 0.9x/1.0/2.0, Atom 1.0 をサポートしていますが,RSS 0.90

Gem::Commands::DependencyCommand#find_gems(name, source_index) -> Hash (340.0)

与えられた Gem の名前をインデックスから検索します。

与えられた Gem の名前をインデックスから検索します。

@param name Gem の名前を指定します。

@param source_index Gem::SourceIndex のインスタンスを指定します。

@see Gem::SourceIndex#search

Kernel#convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) (289.0)

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. _Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type. If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found, following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase. * 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP, where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t' suffix with 'T', followed by '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa. For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define macros: #define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long #define FOOBART2NUM ULONG2NUM #define NUM2FOOBART NUM2ULONG

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may
optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
_Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type.

If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found,
following macros are p...

Kernel#convertible_int(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) { ... } (289.0)

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. _Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type. If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found, following macros are passed as preprocessor constants to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase. * 'TYPEOF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is the found _convertible_ type name. * 'TYP2NUM' and 'NUM2TYP, where 'TYP' is the +type+ name in uppercase with replacing '_t' suffix with 'T', followed by '=X' where 'X' is the macro name to convert +type+ to +Integer+ object, and vice versa. For example, if foobar_t is defined as unsigned long, then convertible_int("foobar_t") would return "unsigned long", and define macros: #define TYPEOF_FOOBAR_T unsigned long #define FOOBART2NUM ULONG2NUM #define NUM2FOOBART NUM2ULONG

Returns the convertible integer type of the given +type+. You may
optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
_Convertible_ means actually same type, or typedefed from same type.

If the +type+ is a integer type and _convertible_ type is found,
following macros are p...

Kernel#check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) -> "signed" | "unsigned" | nil (145.0)

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_OF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed. For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is done.

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally
specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.

If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a
preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in
uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS...


Kernel#check_signedness(type, headers = nil, opts = nil) { ... } -> "signed" | "unsigned" | nil (145.0)

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+. If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS_OF_', followed by the +type+ name, followed by '=X' where 'X' is positive integer if the +type+ is unsigned, or negative integer if the +type+ is signed. For example, if size_t is defined as unsigned, then check_signedness('size_t') would returned +1 and the SIGNEDNESS_OF_SIZE_T=+1 preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler, and SIGNEDNESS_OF_INT=-1 if check_signedness('int') is done.

Returns the signedness of the given +type+. You may optionally
specify additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.

If the +type+ is found and is a numeric type, a macro is passed as a
preprocessor constant to the compiler using the +type+ name, in
uppercase, prepended with 'SIGNEDNESS...

net/imap (127.0)

このライブラリは Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) の クライアントライブラリです。2060 を元に 実装されています。

このライブラリは Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) の
クライアントライブラリです。2060 を元に

=== IMAP の概要

Net::IMAP#authenticate もしくは
Net::IMAP#login で認証します。
IMAP ではメールボックスという概念が重要です。

rubygems (127.0)

RubyGems を扱うためのクラスやモジュールが定義されているライブラリです。

RubyGems を扱うためのクラスやモジュールが定義されているライブラリです。

===[a:gem_command] gem コマンドの使い方

$ gem help

RubyGems は Ruby のための高機能なパッケージ管理ツールです。

gem -h/--help
gem -v/--version
gem command [arguments...] [options...]


ruby 1.6 feature (109.0)

ruby 1.6 feature ruby version 1.6 は安定版です。この版での変更はバグ修正がメイン になります。

ruby 1.6 feature
ruby version 1.6 は安定版です。この版での変更はバグ修正がメイン

((<stable-snapshot|URL:ftp://ftp.netlab.co.jp/pub/lang/ruby/stable-snapshot.tar.gz>)) は、日々更新される安定版の最新ソースです。

== 1.6.8 (2002-12-24) -> stable-snapshot

: 2003-01-22: errno


net/http (55.0)

汎用データ転送プロトコル HTTP を扱うライブラリです。 実装は 2616 に基きます。

汎用データ転送プロトコル HTTP を扱うライブラリです。
実装は 2616 に基きます。

=== 使用例

==== ウェブサーバからドキュメントを得る (GET)

//emlist[例1: GET して 表示するだけ][ruby]{
require 'net/http'
print Net::HTTP.get('www.example.com', '/index.html')

//emlist[例2: URI を使う][ruby]{
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
print Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('http://w...
