
33件ヒット [1-33件を表示] (0.044秒)


  1. io popen
  2. io pipe
  3. io readlines
  4. io each
  5. io each_line


Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder.build(extension, directory, dest_path, results) -> Array (24207.0)



Makefile が存在しない場合は、configure スクリプトを実行して
Makefile を作成してから make を実行します。

@param extension このメソッドでは使用しません。

@param directory

@param dest_path

@param results コマンドの実行結果を格納...

@see Gem::Ext::Builder.make...

Gem::Installer#build_extensions (12207.0)



extconf.rb, configure script, Rakefile, mkmf_files です。...

ruby 1.8.4 feature (54.0)

ruby 1.8.4 feature ruby 1.8.4 での ruby 1.8.3 からの変更点です。

.../File.join [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Thread#pass [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/Module#const_missing [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/IO [bug]>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/添付ライブラリ>))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/"Ruby/Tk">))
* ((<ruby 1.8.4 feature/REXML [compat]>))
* ((<...
...t/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_create_ext): use
# X509V3_EXT_nconf_nid to avoid SEGV (and to build extensions which
# values are placed in separate section).
# * test/openssl/test_x509ext.rb: new file.
# ?

#Tue Nov 01 10:50:17 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <gotoyuzo...
...kazu Yamamoto <ocean@m2.ccsnet.ne.jp>
# * configure.in: undef HAVE_LINK on BeOS. (link(2) always returns
# EINVAL, and this causes error in test/fileutils.)
# * file.c: overwride chown(2) and fchown(2) on BeOS. (these functions
# should not change user/group id if -1...